Wednesday 10 November 2010

Good-bye Cardiff

I finally leave Cardiff after being based here since September 2009. I came here to pursue my Masters degree but I leave having learnt a lot more. Tomorrow I will bid farewell to Cardiff as I move to London.

The time to finally pack up and leave Cardiff draws nearer with the passing of every hour. At noon tomorrow I will leave this city for good though I will leave a part of me behind. Packing up my room and my stuff in the house is filled with sadness and triggers many memories. Although I only stayed in this house for 3 months I have lovely memories associated with it. As if packing up wasn't hard enough, doing the last of everything in and around the city brings back memories and triggers emotions. I will really miss this place and everything and everyone here.

It is ironic that I love this city as much considering the city and I didn't get off to the best of starts. However I am glad I encountered that huge obstacle in embracing Cardiff. That experience made me love this city more and gave me a new perspective to view the various obstacles that are always popping up in life.

Spending the last hours in the city that I grew to love as home makes my heart heavy. This city gave me new friends and a family away from home. This city gave me a second university experience at Cardiff University (that couldn't have been more different from university life in Singapore at SMU). This city made me grow stronger and wiser and another year older. It is hard to say good-bye but it has to be said as only then can I truly move on to embrace the next change in life.

I look forward to the next change although with a heavy heart and a cautious mind. What life brings along one can never predict. The best we can do is to keep an open mind and a hopeful heart as it is up to us to make the best of what life has to offer.