Friday 25 May 2007

some thought..muddled in my mind....

Human are in the simplest and crudest form animals that have been over the time fit into a mould of expectations; as that of a superior being.

At the beginning of ‘mankind’ there was no society, there was no expectation and neither was there the need to be superior. I obviously cannot be sure but, a lucky guess and I’ll say men were happier than. The cavemen roamed around naked or barely clothed, as did the cave women. They slept in the open, ate what they got their hands on, experimented freely, explored everything and did what they wanted for all to see.

Would we have come along the way we have had there been the usual societal expectations, norms and standards imposed on these people? It is logical to see how if these had been in place we would still have been in Stone Age, we would have never progressed the way we have. Then why do we bring in these “issues”, impede our progress, crew our future, nip the unknown possibilities in the bud? All we get is a lot of problems. Its true not many would protest or voice out their frustration. However in this case silence certainly does not translate into consent. The very society that makes the rules at many times is at war with them…

So what do we have? A vicious cycle of frustration? A vicious cycle of desperation? We become hamsters in a cage built by us running in the wheel; getting no where, achieving nothing. We are very much aware of this yet we surge ahead with the boundaries set by society. We make it the Iron Wall in our lives, dividing everything into good and evil. The evil, of course, then becoming untouchable, unthinkable and unattainable. But who determines whether society itself is doing the right things, making the right norms and expectation and most importantly setting the right boundaries? Who watches the society who watches everyone?

It all boils down to something entirely basic, how do we determine who amongst us has the final say on whatever is happening around us and in our lives? If you ask me, I don’t think anyone of us has the right or the qualifications. So then what is the solution? I propose using self regulation and a high emphasis on listening to the conscious. This way each person would be regulating themselves with their own level of conscious. However there would then be the problem of a murderer not finding murder wrong or a rapist not finding rape wrong.

So then again we are back where we started.. Does this mean that what is happening is the best possible? Are we stuck in the hamster’s wheel?

Personally I feel the problem is just with me and my habit of thinking too deep into everything. Maybe I am the only one who is running after the fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I epitomise the traits of idealism that the Aquarius is infamous or famous for.

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