Thursday 15 May 2008

Taxed by Tax

OMG Singapore tax laws is making me go bonkers! Nothing to do with the country, just the fact that I am unfortunately studying the Singapore tax laws..

It might seem interesting and I might just be. But when it comes to understanding it, remembering it and applying it, there is nothing remotely interesting left.

I thought my Income Tax and GST module was bad. Boy was I in for a surprise when I started the Tax Planning module! Now I am required to know the tax laws and concepts so well that I should be able to plan tax for companies and individuals to pay minimum taxes..

I have Tax Planning class every Thursday morning and there is a quiz each week. I spend each Wednesday frozen in fear trying my best to prepared for the quiz. The irony? Each quiz is only 2%! I am praying hard to survive the final exam. The professor very kindly informed us that the maximum marks a student can get in the exam in 65%. Now if the smartest of the accountancy mugger can only get 65%, I know I should be terrified.

All I know is that I am going to celebrate once I survive this module.

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