Date Watched: 23rd July 2007
Venue Watched: My flat in Bombay
Rating: -6/6
My 2-cents worth: Horrible movie.. Worthy only of putting me to sleep and laughing my head out at the lameness. Utter confusion throughout with people appearing for no damm reason. Akshay Kapoor and Rashmi Nigam SUCK, they can't act and have just one expression on their face. If you hate someone, present this movie to them. You will have sweet revenge.
Date Watched: 21st July 2007
Venue Watched: Gaitey
Rating: 4/6
My 2-cents worth: A rip off of Hitch, unfortunately in parts resulting in a poor attempt at the slickness and humor of the original movie. Salman looks absolutely dapper. Songs are catchy. The last honeymoon sequence is damm stupid.
Date Watched: 12th July 2007
Rating: 0.5/6
High point: Somewhere in the movie,
Kartrina "You, toh, know how....." :O
My 2-cents worth: I think the director had a love for calling out "CUT" after every 5min... The movie seems to be the end result of a jigsaw's puzzle of 5min scenes with no relevance to each other. Katrina's dresses are weird, Bipasha's character seems to have problems deciding what she's supposed to be doing in the movie.. Total time waster, not time pass from any angle..

Date Watched: 5th July 2007
Venue Watched: Galaxy
Rating: 2/6
My 2 cents worth: Why the raving reviews?
Why the excessive preaching?
Why the plastic look on Mrinalini Sharma?
Shiny Ahuja would have been a better choice instead of Emraan Hashmi.
Choreography of Mahiya is atrocious at its best.