So i finally had my dance performance in SMU on Friday for Vivace 2006!! Boy were the 5 of us excited...haha we were so full of nervous energy and full of excitement. As usual we got late getting ready and were running from SESS to the space outside OCBC Bank. But once we reached the excitement rose through the roof. At least for me. Looking at the people, audience, and the atmosphere...for me it is like the sweetest thrill. The love of performing in front of a crowed. Flaunting your talent. I love it!! The emotions running inside me in that moment before i step center stage is not explainable. I’m full of confidence, excitement, nervousness and pride. I become such an attention seeker when I’m performing. The more eyes on me the better i feel. No stage fright what so ever.
Yup so there i was standing on my spot, waiting for the the music flooded the surrounding, i lit up, became Charu the madancer. Nothing mattered at that moment other than my dance. If i may say so myself, I’m a fairly good dancer and a highly passionate one. I personally feel that i did a great job on Friday. I just had one glitch, i forgot one step. Now at this moment i would like to add that to get the true review of the performance go ask my friends and my sister. *grin*
Other than the dance itself, i enjoyed wearing the costume. It was too cool!! We had gotten the alladin pants and cool hip belts. Both articles magnified the joy of doing the hip and ass movements *grin* i am a very open and experimental dancer. So I’m cool with all stuff. As long as it doesn't get too vulgar. *stern look*
I’ll end this post with some photos from the performance. Enjoy and if i look bad.....don't tell me!!!

The final pose

Radhika, Priyanka, Richa, Me and Zahabia
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