Venue Watched: Jade
Watched With: Papa, Mummy and Paru
Rating: 5/6
My 2- cents worth: It is indisputable that the story is interesting with its countless twists. The actors are chosen to compliment the strong storyline. The visuals are used to embellish it. So what is the flaw? The damm songs! Whoever said the songs are part of the story was playing a cruel joke. Each of the song feels like a music video forced in between to.......*god knows what* That aside Saif looked HOT!! I loved the olive green jacket he wore in the "Race Sanson Main" song. I love the intensity in his eyes. Some dialogues are (un)intentionally funny and marginally doubled meaning. Sameera Reddy was a waste other than adding to the cleavage weight of the movie. Anil Kapoor is amazing as he continues to romance heroines at the same time his daughter debuts in the industry. Though he might want to reconsider his smooching abilities after that disgustingly noisy smooch with Sameera.
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